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Sydney Animal Rights March 2022

  • Belmore Park Sydney, NSW, 2000 (map)

On Saturday April 2nd 2022, we'll take to the streets of Sydney to protest the systemic abuse of non-human animals under Australian law.

Animals are forced to race, fight, entertain, forced to live in cages, containers, captivity, have their babies taken, their fur ripped out, and their date of death decided before they are even born.

We call for a future free from slaughterhouses, racetracks, and puppy farms. A future where 'wild' animals remain wild, where 'food' denotes produce, not flesh, and where animals are no longer viewed as commodities.

The march will be a silent protest. There will be no shouting, cheering or chanting, just the steady beat of drums.

If you support ending unnecessary animal suffering, join us on April 2nd at Belmore Park, 11:30am for a 12pm start.

Smash that 'Going' button, and 'Like' the Sydney Animal Rights March page to stay tuned for announcements.

PLEASE NOTE: This will be a lawful assembly; police approval has already been granted. We will have a police escort and will adhere to NSW Health restrictions at the time.

19 March

Protest to STOP the new Ipswich greyhound track

9 April

A Dog's Breakfast